Continue Prof. Skorn's Motivation
Professor Skorn is a career scientist. His scientific interests range from studying of simple organisms such as bacteria to complex ones, like human. He is internationally known for his research works on bacteria causing diseases in both human and economically important plants. Professor Skorn’s career in Thailand began as a lecturer at the Faculty of Science, Mahidol University and subsequently was also appointed to head, the Laboratory of Biotechnology, at the Chulabhorn Research Institute. His passion for basic research in genetics and physiology of bacteria has led to over 150 international publications. His scientific achievements are nationally and internationally recognized and he has received many national awards such as Outstanding Young Scientist (1991) and Outstanding Scientists (1998) awards from the Foundation for the promotion of science and technology under the patronage of His Majesty the King, TRF Senior Research Scholar 2002, the Taguchi prize for Outstanding research achievement in biotechnology 1997 from Thai Society for Biotechnology, Research Chair Grant (2001) from NSTDA. In addition to his achievements in Science, he also taught classes and successfully supervised numerous students many of which have gone to pursue successful career in research and education in Thailand.

Dr. Adisak Romsang's experiences
Dr. Adisak Romsang has completed his Ph.D. in Biotechnology from Mahidol University in 2013 with a GPA of 3.94 (Dean’s List Award) under a Thailand Research Fund’s Royal Golden Jubilee scholarship program. He was under supervision of Prof. Skorn Mongkolsuk with the thesis entitled “Protein repair systems during oxidative stress in Pseudomonas aeruginosa”. His work is focusing on physiological analysis and genomic regulatory response of genes involved in cellular stress management, particular in plant-pathogenic and human-pathogenic bacteria, Xanthomonas campestris and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, respectively. This interesting research area inspired him to consequently pursue as a researcher under Prof. Skorn Mongkolsuk’s project at Laboratory of Biotechnology, Chulabhorn Research Institute until May, 2015 before start working here. His research works have been published in international peer-reviewed journals including Molecular Microbiology, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, Journal of Bacteriology, and PLOS One.
During his Ph.D. life, he have worked at Center for Emerging Bacterial Infections, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University and at Laboratory of Biotechnology, Chulabhorn Research Institute in Thailand. He also have great opportunities to do research at Prof. John D. Helmann’s laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Cornell University in USA, working on Bacillus subtilis molecular genetics and biochemistry in the project named Bacillithiol and metal stress response in 2012. In the end of November 2012, he has visited at Prof. Herbert P. Schweizer’s laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Colorado State University in USA, training on fosmid library construction in pathogenic bacterium, Burkhoderia pseudomallei. Moreover, he has done a senior project at School of Biological Science, Flinders University in South Australia, working on genetics and recombination occurred in model fungus Neurospora crassa in 2008. Although his experiences was almost related to several microorganisms, he has trained in Bioassay Laboratory, BIOTEC, NSTDA, Thailand, working on animal cell culture, optimization growth and differentiation conditions, and screening anti-diabetic compounds from fungal crude extracts in 2007.
Dr. Adisak have presented his research works in several scientific conferences both in Thailand and in abroad such as the Gordon Research Conference 2012 at Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts, USA and the Pseudomonas Conference 2013 at University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. He got several awards such as Awards for Graduates with Distinctions, Academic Year 2013 (DEAN'S LIST) from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand; Best Oral Presentation Award in the 2nd ASEAN Plus Three Graduate Research Congress (AGRC), S31 Sukhumvit Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand; and Outstanding Oral Presentation Award in RGJ-Ph.D. Congress XII, Thailand Research Fund, Jomtien Palm Beach Resort, Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand.
Dr. Adisak Romsang's perspective...
His currently research extends to characterize the novel mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in the pathogenic bacteria using DNA recombinant techniques and genetic tools to isolate bacterial genes that are involved in drug resistance and to engineer the new peptides for targeting these genes or gene products. These can aim to the discovery of new drug targets and the identification of novel bioactive compounds. Moreover, he also focus on gene characterization that contributes to bacterial pathogenesis for understanding the bacterial defense mechanisms against host immune responses. This will provide useful insights that can lead to the development of more effective drugs for the treatment of infections caused by these bacteria.