Lab massage...
Welcome to our laboratory! AR's lab is just 3-year running and has a certain numbers of member, our lab contains many expertise and much more experiences than you expected. We continue our research works of Prof. Skorn Mongkolsuk and he also provide our kindly tables for experiments. We emphasize on basic researches for publications, in which the topics are related to bacterial genetics, gene regulations, stress response, and pathogenicity.
Now we are moving forward into host defense mechanisms against infectious diseases, particularly in Drosophila melanogaster or fruit fly.
Next year, we are preparing for macrophage cell culturing system and NGS technology for expanding our research scopes.
Our laboratory published journal articles of Pseudomonas aeruginosa genes involved in either RCS-stress response, antibacterial activities, or under TF regulon, which are important during oxidative stress and bacterial infection. Moreover, we are working on other pathogenic bacteria including Acinetobacter spp. and Bacillus spp.
More genes are under investigating and need more students in their exploration.

News & Publications @ Lab
Contact Us
Dr. Adisak Romsang
+66 2201 5962
Room K610, 6th floor,
Charlermprakiet Building
Department of Biotechnology,
Faculty of Science, Mahidol University
272 Rama VI Road, Ratchathewi District,
Bangkok 10400, THAILAND
April 18-22, 2022 --> 3 Samsen Students visiting in EBI lab
April 18 - June 15, 2022 --> P'Nu, Dent's scientist visiting in EBI lab
May 20, 2022 --> Ph.D. Proposal Presentations, Pin and Pim
May 27, 2022 --> Sci Exh 2022 - 1 short talk Mean, 2 poster TJ/Raiwin
May 30, 2022 --> 5S Activity #2 for ESPReL 2022
May 31, 2022 --> Bewarin's Defense Exam
๋ีJune 24, July 4, July 8 --> Khing's /Ky's /Fon's Proposal Exam
July 10, July 17-18, 2022 --> K610 Merit Trip in BKK
๋ีJuly 19, 2022 --> K610 Reunion Lunch and K610-CRI Dinner
August 2, 2022 --> Bomb, Prim, Ploy : Project Presentation
Dec 20, 2022 --> Adisak Romsang's talks on Biosafety at KMITL
Dec 22, 2022 --> Poom's M.Sc. thesis defense examination
K610 Lab meeting on every Friday Morning.
Areas of Research
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Environmental stresses
Hospital-acquired infections
Pathogenicity/Antibiotic resistance
Gene regulations
Food-borne pathogens
Presentation VIDEO for memorial EBI center @ MUSC since 2006
Prof. Skorn Mongkolsuk's Birthday

2022-Dec 19
We published an article in AEM journal (Q1-top10) showing a novel function of Monothiol glutaredoxin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa that plays a physiological role in oxidative stress protection and virulence. We now establish that the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa GrxD is crucial for bacterial virulence, maturation of [Fe-S] clusters and facilitation of Ohr enzyme activity. GrxD contains a conserved signature monothiol motif (C29GFS), in which C29 is essential for its function in an oxidative stress protection.

AR is promoted as Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni Engagement

2020-Aug 14
We published an article in AEM journal (Q1-top8) showing a novel AhpD-family protein RcsA in response to toxicity from reactive chlorine species including bleach and also involve in virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both in vitro and in vivo experiments indicate a new signature motif of this protein family consisting of conserved C60, C63, and H67 in the catalytic site.

Congratulations to Assist.Prof.Dr. Adisak Romsang, our SCBT203-SPOC project was awarded as INOVATIVE TEACHING AWARD in the Mahidol Quality Fair at Mahidol Sidthakarn Hall, Mahidol Salaya. This project is under MUX project with a strategy "Edutainment-based blended learning: a transformative change for life-long learning in Mahidol Education Smart 4.0."
AR is promoted as Assist.Prof.

We published an article in PLOS ONE journal showing a novel Type-2 IscR-binding site model in P. aeruginosa and IscR regulatory mechanism under oxidative stress response, which contributes to the dynamics in the transcriptional control of IscR under different levels of stress exposure.

Four K610 Master degree BT students (Bank and the Slim Gang [Fuse, Benya and Pin]) from our laboratory were awarded as an outstanding poster award in the 30th Annual Meeting of the Thai Society for Biotechnology & International Conference (TSB2018); November 22-23, 2018 at The Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. Congratulations!
Lab Members
Prof. Skorn Mongkolsuk
Dr. Adisak Romsang
Our research team
Research network
Fuse and Bank passed their M.Sc. defense on Nov 26, 2019. Congratulations!
Benya passed her M.Sc. defense on Oct 29, 2019. Congratulations!
Toey passed her M.Sc. defense on May 17, 2019. Congratulation!
K610 Lab : Congratulations for 2018 Graduated students
Finale Taiwan Meal for celebrating all successful events in this semester!
Sep 12, 2019
Bew went to USA for her working position
Congratulations! 27-09-2019