Em.Prof. Dr. Skorn Mongkolsuk
Room K634, Chalerm Prakiat Building, Floor 6, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University
272 Rama VI Road, Bangkok 10400 THAILAND
Head, Laboratory of Biotechnology, Chulabhorn Research Institute
54 Kamphaeng Phet 6, Talat Bang Khen, Lak Si, Bangkok 10210 THAILAND
Email: skorn.mon@mahidol.ac.th, skorn@cri.or.th
Tel: +66 2201 5988, +66 2553 8557
Fax: +66 2354 7165, +66 2553 8527

Professional info
More than 150 publications in scientifically international journals
Expertise: Bacteriology, Bacterial genetics, Molecular microbiology
Project: Bacterial molecular genetic and bacterial physiology of stress response
Position held
1987-1991 Lecturer, Department of Microbiology, Mahidol University
1990-present Head, Laboratory of Biotechnology, Chulabhorn Research Institute
1991-1998 Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Mahidol University
1998-2002 Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Mahidol University
1998-2002 Associate Faculty Member, Asian Institute of Technology
2002-2018 Professor of Biotechnology, Department of Biotechnology, Mahidol University
2002-present Adjunct Professor, Asian Institute of Technology
2007-2007 Deputy Dean for Multidisciplinary Coordinating Center,
Faculty of Science, Mahidol University
2007-2015 Dean, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University
1977-1980 University of London, B.Sc.(Honors) in Pharmacology
1980-1981 University of London, M.Sc. in Biochemistry
1981-1985 University of Maryland, Ph.D. in Biological Science
1985-1987 Postdoctoral Fellow, National Cancer Institute, USA
Postdoctoral Experience:
Visiting Fellow at the Laboratory of Biochemistry, National Cancer Institute,
National Institute of Health, U.S.A. 1985-1987 (with Maxine F. Singer)
Journal Editor
1. FEMS Microbiology Letters
2. Journal of Microbiology
Ad Hoc Journal Reviewer
1. Canadian Journal of Microbiology
2. Gene
3. Molecular Plant Microbes Interactions
4. Molecular Microbiology
5. Microbiology
6. Journal of Bacteriology
7. FEMS Microbiology Letter
1981 "Sigma Prize" for Best Overall Performance in Biochemistry, Chelsea College, University of London
1985 Foggarty Visiting Post Doctoral Fellowship, National Institute of Health, USA
1988 JSPS, Fellowship for Visiting Scientist, Osaka University
1991 Outstanding Young Scientist Award, Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Technology, Thailand
1996 A Career Development Award from NSTDA
1997 "Takushi Prize" for Outstanding Researcher from Thai Society Biotechnology
1998 "Outstanding Scientist of the Year" Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Technology, Thailand
2000 Elected member of Thai Academy of Science and Technology
2000 Mahidol University Award (Outstanding Research)
2001 Research Council Award for Research Work (Chemistry and Pharmacology), The National Research Council of Thailand
2002 Thailand Research Fund Senior Scholar Award from Thailand Research Fund
2010 - present
2010 - present